Horoscope for Monday, July 8, 2024

Moon alarm

There are no restrictions on shopping or important decisions until 11:00 PM PDT. The Moon is in Leo.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is a great day to make plans for a vacation or for social outings, including sporting events. It is also an excellent day to think about financial investments. Meanwhile, the arts, entertainment, and fun activities with children will appeal to you. You are optimistic today!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Home, family and personal life are your main focus. You may want to do some home improvement and repairs. Home improvement projects will appeal to you. You may choose to entertain at home or enjoy quiet moments.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You are mentally energetic today! You are also enthusiastic and open to big ideas. This is partly because your mind is sharp, clear and alert, allowing you to see the big picture. It is a good day for business negotiations and contract negotiations, as well as dealing with the law.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Are you thinking about big financial decisions, or perhaps a big purchase? Trust your money-making ideas, as you may see ways to increase your income or wealth. You may also attract money to you at this time. Ka-ching!

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Mercury is in your sign and dances with lucky Jupiter. This stimulates your optimism and makes you friendly and enthusiastic to deal with others. This is why your relationships with friends plus groups and organizations will be positive. Others may be impressed by your big ideas!

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22)

You have an excellent, discriminating mind and today is a great day for research. You will enjoy expanding your world and learning new information, finding solutions to problems or answers to questions. Yet this is also a popular time for you! Traveling with friends will appeal to you.

Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 22)

This is a great day to chat with others, and chatting is what you do best! You can enlist others to join a cause or organization. You can make travel plans with someone. This is a great day to discuss legal matters, but also anything related to medicine, publishing, education, and the media.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Bosses, parents, and people in authority will be impressed by what you have to say today, partly because you are thinking big. Your visionary ideas will impress someone. Be clear about what you want, especially in business negotiations. You are very aware of the values ​​and needs of the group at this time.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

This is a great day to make travel plans or study. Do something that will expand your experience of the world. Legal discussions will go well. Discussions about publishing and the media can also impress a partner or close friend. Do something different today to enjoy some adventure.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Financial discussions, especially about how to divide or share something, will favor you today. For example, it is a good day to discuss inheritances or how to share responsibilities. Negotiations about budgets and allocation of support resources will also go well.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Enjoy interacting with friends and members of the public today, as people will be drawn to your positive enthusiasm. You are full of big ideas, especially those related to children, the arts, entertainment and sports. You may also find someone else who is just as enthusiastic.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Your health feels bright and positive, partly because you are personally enthusiastic! This bright energy will help you in your work. It will also help with conversations with family members or negotiations about real estate and home improvements. Great day for entertaining at home! People will be supportive of you today.

If today is your birthday

Actress Maya Hawke (1998) shares your birthday. You have a strong will, which makes you determined. You will devote yourself to an important cause with focus and energy. This year brings exciting changes and more personal freedom. Let go of anything that hinders your progress and growth. Seek out new opportunities and be prepared to act quickly.

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